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Board-Certified Orthopedic Physician Serving Brick & Old Bridge, NJ & Surrounding Areas

Our Orthopedic Pain Services

As an in-network provider for many of the industry’s major health insurance providers, we have assisted many customers in finding relief for injuries caused by motor vehicle accidents, sports, and more. Each patient is unique and requires specialized care to get the relief they need. As the area’s trusted orthopedic clinic, we offer the following types of services.

Effective Treatments for Your Neck, Back, and More

Freeman Orthopedics & Pain Center provides orthopedic care and sports injury treatment to individuals throughout Brick & Old Bridge, New Jersey and the surrounding communities. Our team of medical professionals, led by Dr. Freeman, will help you recover from a wide range of injuries. Whether it’s a sports-related injury or you’ve been silently dealing with chronic pain for years, you can trust our orthopedic doctor to provide long-lasting relief. When you choose us for orthopedic pain management, our team will take the time to listen to your needs and concerns. Next, we’ll provide you with a customized treatment plan to alleviate the pain. If you do not want surgery or have failed surgery and still have pain, contact our offices.

active adults running

Alleviate Chronic & Acute Pain

There is relief available for your chronic or acute pain. At Freeman Orthopedics & Pain Center, Dr. Freeman offers customized pain management programs to alleviate and treat the pain you’re experiencing. Whether your injury was suffered due to playing sports or years of wear and tear on your body, we can assist you. Don’t let chronic pain prevent you from participating in the activities you’ve always loved.

happy couple outside

Contact Us

Meet Our Doctor

Dr. Ted L. Freeman is a board-certified orthopedic pain management specialist with decades of experience helping patients alleviate their pain. Throughout that time, he has remained on the cutting edge of orthopedic care, which helps improve patient outcomes while significantly reducing recovery time. Every program is tailored specifically to meet the patient’s needs. Dr. Freeman continues to advance his skill and knowledge in the field with five board certifications and two fellowships.

Get in Touch Today!

Brick Location
186 Jack Martin BLVD STE B1
Brick, NJ 08724-7728

Old Bridge Location
1405 Rt 18 Suite 105
Old Bridge, NJ 08857


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM